【翔準AOG】ARCHWICK HOP皮(透明白)GBB 60° Hop Up 氣槍用 含彈橡皮 瓦斯槍 狙擊槍 TRIDENT Silicon Bucking 60度

【翔準AOG】ARCHWICK HOP皮(透明白)GBB 60° Hop Up 氣槍用 含彈橡皮 瓦斯槍 狙擊槍 TRIDENT Silicon Bucking 60度

刊登日期:2024.04.23 07:26 PM

NT$ 200 元 NT$ 元 USD$:7 元

 【翔準AOG】ARCHWICK HOP皮(透明白)GBB 60° Hop Up 氣槍用 含彈橡皮 瓦斯槍 狙擊槍 TRIDENT Silicon Bucking 60度

產品包括 Javelin · Trident · Arrow 三個系列,涵蓋幾乎所有系統。從電槍,氣槍,到狙擊槍,我們使用最適合的硬度及材質讓大家選擇搭配。
·       專利設計彈道導流溝槽 –
·       Y型進彈定位設計 –
·       針對不同系統設計最適合的下壓狀態 –
·       在包裝上雖簡約卻更在意產品的完整度 –

產品材質 :
NBR :  NBR是一種合成橡膠,耐磨性高、穩定性高,並且相當耐用。但NBR容易受到溫度影響,使用NBR材質的含彈橡皮建議在下場前預先熱皮,多射幾匣,讓皮達到最好的狀態。
Silicon : 矽橡膠最大特色就是具有長期耐高溫和低溫的熱穩定性,不需要熱皮,也不容易受氣溫影響,加上相對大的摩擦力,能很好的支援射程更遠的槍款。但相較來說,Silicon的使用壽命低於NBR材質的含彈橡皮。

Compatibility: GBB
Material: SILICON
Hardness: 60°
ARCHWICK Buckings are an easy but effective performance upgrade for most airsoft guns.  Our bucking split into 3 series:  Javelin (AEG), Trident (GBB), and Arrow (VSR-10).   These 3 series combine to cover the most common types of Airsoft guns; from AEGs to GBBs to Bolt Action Sniper rifles, we have a hop up bucking with the right combination of materials, design, and hardness for your application.
·        Patented Directional Air Channel –
This small channel located on the top of the bucking allows air from behind the BB to bleed off, thus reducing the amount of turbulence behind the round.  This ‘smooths out’ the air behind the BB, thus maximizing the Magnus effect, while reducing BB contact with the barrel inner wall.   This greatly improves the BB’s flight path, thus improving both range and accuracy.
·        Y shaped BB guiding channel –
By utilizing a Y-shaped design with a directional guiding channel, the BB maintains 3 points of contact with more consistent BB positioning.
·        Custom Pressure Point Designs –
By utilizing different pressure point sizes, shapes, and designs, the duration of contact and the positioning of the pressure points are optimized.
·        Extra protective packaging –
A clear and rigid container protects the bucking during transportation.  This ensures that the bucking stays in its original shape as produced from the factory and prevents against deformation or material contamination. 

NBR (Nitrile Butadiene Rubber) – NBR is a synthetic rubber compound with excellent durability, consistency, elasticity, and anti-abrasion properties.  However, NBR is easily affected by temperature changes, and may require ‘warming’ up with a few shots before shot placement becomes more consistent.

Silicon – Silicon’s best attributes are its ability to withstand heat and temperature fluctuations.  These properties make silicon buckings more suitable for use with higher velocities and heavier BBs as it’s able to maintain consistency regardless of the frictional forces acting against it.  Its all-weather consistency also allows for better cold core shots as the material does not require a ‘warm up’, thus making it the preferred choice for Sniper Rifles.  However, Silicon is not as durable as NBR and will wear out faster, thus requiring more frequent bucking changes.

Hop up bucking hardness is really dictated by individual set ups.  Differences in velocities and BB weights will require different hardness.  Generally speaking, the higher the velocity and the heavier the BB, the harder the bucking compound should be.  However, with a harder compound, there’s a decrease in elasticity, thus making the bucking less responsive. 
The most common hardness used is 60 degrees as it’s a happy medium between elasticity / durability/ and consistency, and is suitable for most mid to high power set ups.  

NBR – Full Auto guns
Silicon – Sniper Rifles, GBB Pistols, Semi Auto Only Guns

產品硬度 :

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